Windhoek Lions Club
Chartered on March 19, 1958, the Windhoek Lions Club is the oldest Lions Club in Namibia and has a proud track record of its members pursuing the association's purpose under its international banner of "WE SERVE".
Lions Clubs International is the world's largest service club organization with more than 1.4 million members in approximately 46,000 clubs in more than 200 countries and geographical areas around the world.
Lions Clubs International is a service organization and is dedicated to meet the needs of the local communities. Its objects are:
To create and foster a spirit of understanding amongst the people of the world
To promote the principles of good government and good citizenship
To take an active interest in the civic, cultural, social and moral welfare of the community
To unite the clubs in the bonds of friendship, good fellowship and mutual understanding
To provide a forum for the open discussion of all matters of public interest provided, however, that partisan politics and sectarian religion shall not be debated by club members
To encourage service-minded people to serve their community without personal financial reward, and to encourage efficiency and promote high ethical standards in commerce, industry, professions, public works and private endeavours.
The Windhoek Lions Club currently consists of 27 members who meet every second Tuesday at 18.00h at the Lions Den Centaurus Road in Windhoek. As Lions we strive to live to a set of principles which can best be described by the Lions Creed:
A person achieves success,
who lives well, laughs often and loves much;
Who gains the respect of intelligent people and the love of little children;
Who fills a niche and accomplishes his or her tasks;
Who leaves the world better than he or she founded
whether by a brighter flower, a perfect poem or a rescued soul;
Who always sees the best in others and gives the best he or she has;
Whose life is an inspiration, whose memory is a benediction.
That person is a Lion
Feel free to contact Lion President Kai Langmaak via email at [email protected] for further information.
This is us - the team of the Windhoek Lions Club International
Lion President
Kai Langmaak
Club Treasurer
Carola Busch
Club Interim Secretary
Vera Schatz
Club Interim Secretary
Holger Sircoulomb
Chairman Fund-Raising
Viaan Saayman
Chairman Service Projects
Deon Bosman
Club Membership Chair
Ulrike Behrens
Lions Tamer
Frauke Moeller
Reinhard Redecker
International Relations
Beate Fahrbach
International Relations
Roger Fahrbach
Elke Langmaak
Lion Ulrike Behrens
Lion Carola Busch
Lion Beate Fahrbach
Lion Roger Fahrbach
Lion Walter Hailwax
Lion Rolf Herzsprung
Lion Ellen Hoffmann
Lion Peter Kleye
Lion Bettina Kroening
Lion Elke Langmaak
Lion Kai Langmaak
Lion Monique Redecker
Lion Reinhard Redecker
Lion Katia Reviglio
Lion Roberto Reviglio
Lion Frank Schatz
RC Region B District 410W; MJF
Lion Vera Schatz
Lion Annemarie Sell
Lion Kenlis Sircoulomb
Lion Anne van Rensburg
Lion Johan van Rensburg
Lion Viaan Saayman
Lion Marja Woortman
Prospective Lion Leena Amwaala
Prospective Lion Inonga Guillemin
Prospective Lion Pandu Hailonga
Prospective Lion Anita Kreft
Prospective Lion Memory Mutabani
Prospective Lion Gaby Saayman
Prospective Lion Rosy Schaneck
Prospective Lion